It’s Been a Long Time

So long, in fact, that I had to re-set three passwords with three email accounts to find this blog log-in.

Say that three times fast. Blog-log-in.

The person who last signed in here would not believe that I am sitting here, in Harvard Square, with a latte, on a Friday morning, blogging before I go meet with clinical supervisors for my students.

The person who last signed in here would not believe the sheer number of changes that my own life has evolved through in the past three years.

However, the person who last signed in here knew, always, that I would be back. The person who last signed in here knew that this blog, though temporarily abandoned, had some staying power.

I am a habitual journal keeper. I have written, more or less frequently, about my life, about myself, about my Thoughts on the Things since 1989. There is a pile of more or less legible diaries, full of thoughts, pictures, musings, quotes, and embarrassing anecdotes that now date back nearly thirty years.

And on the internet, there are bits and bites of blogs, some languishing, some long deleted. My old habit was to begin again- a new blog, a new notebook, a new name, a fresh page.

This time, I knew I was beginning something, and I have been thinking, turning over in my  mind, what is next? Many sleepless nights I wrote essays in my head, only to never post them.

What’s next? I think I finally know.

One thought on “It’s Been a Long Time

  1. Andrea Bates says:

    I can’t wait to see what comes next! xo

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